Saturday, June 17, 2006

Learning a lesson

Last week, I was a little lazy. I had some things to do, but nothing was especially pressing, so I didn't over-exert myself. This week, however, I'm paying the price for that mistake. Those things that weren't so pressing then, are now, but I don't have any time to actually work on them because there's a million other things to do. I kept hearing from people I work with that the summers are crazy here and I'm beginning to understand. I feel like I was so busy this week, but I didn't manage to make a dent in my stuff to do list.

There were some highlights to this crazy week, however. The pastor of my church from home, Dan, and his daughter Lindsey were in the country for vacation, so I was able to show them around for a few days. Also, I started yesterday visiting the houses of kids who applied to enter the school here for next year. There are 80 applicants that need to be interviewed, so it's quite a process. The main reason I get to play a part in this is because I can drive a car, but it's definitely a positive experience getting to visit so many different houses and to see where the kids in our programs are coming from.

On an entirely different note, although I've been insanely busy this week, I have managed to make time to watch the US in the World Cup. After the first game, when they lost 3-0 to the Czech Republic, I was embarrased to be American, but today they managed to tie Italy, one of the best teams in the world, despite having 2 players sent off. It was an encouraging performance and if they win their next game and get a little help from the other game from their group, they will move on into the next round. Of course, if this does happen, they have the priviledge of playing Brazil. So, either way you look at it the US run will probably be short-lived, but it won't stop me from watching and cheering.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Lots of pictures from the school in Palo Blanco

We traded hats

Kids stretching in my PE class at Palo Blanco


My last few days were filled with some rather unpleasant occurances. Occurance number one was actually a combination of 8 occurances, contituting the 8 times that I puked throughout Saturday night. I'm not sure what got me sick, but it wasn't most assuredly an unpleasant evening. Within a day or 2 I was fully recovered, but unpleasant occurance number 2 was just around the corner. I went to the airport for our bi-weekly mail pick up on Wednesday. This is the same activity that brought about the double-thumb-cutting incident took place several months ago. I managed to keep from filleting my fingers, but I did spend about 6 hours at the airport in a failed attempt to get a colleague's laptop out of customs. I gave it all I had, but in the end, I failed and had to leave without the computer.

Despite the recent unpleasantness, things are going well here. The new El Arca mens fastpitch softball team (consisting of house dads, bus drivers, construction crew, and a few American missionaries) is off to a blazing 3-1 start. School is finishing this week and the summer program is just around the corner. Also, plans are in the works to open two new orphanage houses within the next few months, one in Constanza, which will be the first house in the new orphanage there, and also one in the Ark, where I live. These are always really exciting times because children are coming out of situations so desparate, and into a life that is filled with hope. I am looking forward to the new arrivals.

Until next time...