Wednesday, June 07, 2006


My last few days were filled with some rather unpleasant occurances. Occurance number one was actually a combination of 8 occurances, contituting the 8 times that I puked throughout Saturday night. I'm not sure what got me sick, but it wasn't most assuredly an unpleasant evening. Within a day or 2 I was fully recovered, but unpleasant occurance number 2 was just around the corner. I went to the airport for our bi-weekly mail pick up on Wednesday. This is the same activity that brought about the double-thumb-cutting incident took place several months ago. I managed to keep from filleting my fingers, but I did spend about 6 hours at the airport in a failed attempt to get a colleague's laptop out of customs. I gave it all I had, but in the end, I failed and had to leave without the computer.

Despite the recent unpleasantness, things are going well here. The new El Arca mens fastpitch softball team (consisting of house dads, bus drivers, construction crew, and a few American missionaries) is off to a blazing 3-1 start. School is finishing this week and the summer program is just around the corner. Also, plans are in the works to open two new orphanage houses within the next few months, one in Constanza, which will be the first house in the new orphanage there, and also one in the Ark, where I live. These are always really exciting times because children are coming out of situations so desparate, and into a life that is filled with hope. I am looking forward to the new arrivals.

Until next time...


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