Saving a baby
This is a picture of me with a baby that my friend Faith found abandoned in the hospital. His mom had twins (two months premature) and left the hospital with only one of them, abandoning this little guy. In hospitals here will only treat patients if someone pays for them first, no one was around to pay for the right medicines, so he was slowly dying, inside a hospital. Faith saw him, weighing a little over 2 pounds at 2 months of age, and knew that he would die if she didn't do anything. So, she took him and now she has a baby. They are looking for someone to adopt him, but until that happens, he belongs to her. He's 4 months old in the picture and weighs about 7 pounds, still super small, but definitely an improvement.
Matt and I want to adopt that baby. Any way you could work that out for us?
Love you,
Amazing. I'm pretty sure that if I was not in college right now, I'd give Rebecca a fight and try to adopt that baby!! Hope you're doing well Jon. We miss you here!
Jon, anyway that you could have Sarah bring the baby back to cape when she comes back at the end of the summer? I pray that the baby will find a loving home with godly parents. April
That just broke my heart. Thank you for the constant update. I'm praying for the baby...Love, Wendy
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