Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My address

A few people have asked for my mailing address, so here it is:

Mail and boxes sent via the US Postal Service:

Jonathan Coleman
P.O. Box 24770 - #PMB KAIDR
West Palm Beach, FL 33416

Cargo via UPS or other Truck lines:

Jonathan Coleman
2211 2nd Ave N.
Suite 11 - KAIDR
Lake Worth, Fl 33461


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am embarassed to say, I had to google search you so I could find a way to contact you! This is Julie- rememember me from the summer intern 2003? I have been trying forever to think how I could contact you... finally. I was looking on the KAI website, no email... so i resulted to Google (embarassing!) So when I found your Blog site (which i also have to admit i've never seen one before...:) I was looking at your pics and I almost cried... you are probably in love with little Johannie from the CAsa de PAz... I saw the pic and i saved it to my computer! I love that little girl!!Well, this emergency contact is because my husband (remember, his name is jon too!! and he played soccer!) and I are planning on a week visit to Jarbacoa July 14th or so! (Vic said that week woud be ok)I was hoping if we came the 3 of us could do some fun things... like that sweet monesory waterfall hike (i never did get to see the waterfall at the end) or climb migote! Anyway... how is life there? Can i just say i am incredibly jealous of you... There isn't a day that goes by that I don't dream about being there with those kids and people. I am starting to see Jon (my husband) feel the same way!! So, if you could email me your email address and we could chat... mine is juls1156@yahoo.com. I feel bad bothering Vic with all the questions i have about coming.. would you be able to help? Well, i hope you get this.. and i hope i do'nt sound crazy! I am just dying to get to the DR and see those kids again! And I would love for you and jon to meet! So, did you find your wife down there??;)

8:24 AM  

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