Saturday, February 04, 2006

bad things

Two bad things happened to me this week.

First, I was at the airport getting the mail shipment for our group here. In order to take the mail, we have to open every box so that a customs official can check inside to make sure there's nothing illegal. So I was opening the boxes with a little pocket knife and I cut my thumb. It hurt and I was mad at myself, but I found a tissue to hold on the wound so blood wouldn't drip everywhere, and fought through the pain, opening the boxes with my other hand. I was making good progress (there are alot of boxes to open), but I got a little careless with my other hand and managed to cut my other thumb, worse than I cut the first. So there I was, by myself, needing to open a bunch of boxes, then carry them to the car, and I had to thumbs that were throbbing and bleeding profusely. I was not a happy man, my missionary spirit was hidden deep down inside me and grumpy Jon had come to the surface. I did, however, manage to get all the boxes opened and into the car while keeping tissue pressed against both thumbs to stop the blood. Finally I was able to drive to a gas station a few miles away and buy some bandaides so that I could drive home with full use of my hands.

Bad thing #2---I was getting ready to leave one morning and saw the biggest spider in history, I'm pretty sure it was a tarantula, and I'm not exaggerating. It was HUGE. It ran across my floor and hid where I couldn't get it. I was too scared to try to find it so I just left. A thorough search that night before bed didn't turn anything up, so I have to live knowing that in my room, somewhere, is this gargantuan spider. It could be on me at any moment and there's nothing I can do about it. My sleep has been restless to say the least.

That's my feel bad for Jonathan update for the week, I hope you gained some pleasure at my expense.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel you pain...i keep seeing a rat/mouse in my house, and cant seem to catch the stupid thing


5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha... this entry made me laugh... i guess i should not be laughing at your expense... but it was quite humorous. i just couldn't help it. I'm sorry about your thumbs. :) As for the big hairy spider, ew, I HATE SPIDERS.... KILL IT! I don't know how you sleep at night....

I hope you have a much better week! :)

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jon, found your blog through We are m's in Nicaragua and have a nica friend living there in Jarabacoa serving at a church. Any chance you know Nelson, or do you Kim and her Dominican husband? (Ambiori?) I went there last year with a friend and we did a women's conference in Jarabacoa and then in Puerta Plata.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,

Man, that's rough! It sounds like something I would do being so clutzy and all! I'm impressed that you persevered through all the pain and blood to finish your job. Good work Mr. Missionary! It comes with the good and the bad you know. I feel your pain about the spider too...they grow cockroaches so big in South Carolina that they look like small rodents...ewww! Hope you find that hairy guy soon so you can get some rest! Well, try not to cut any more of your appendages. I'm praying for you!

your girl.friend, Jen

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry about your thumbs and the spider!! I enjoyed catching up on what's going on in your life (minus the recent mishaps ... not enjoyable). I loved looking at those pictures in previous entries. I'm excited about what you are seeking to do in that village! God Bless you, brother!!

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,

Jamie told me about your web page a few weeks ago, and I have been checking it out regularly ever since. The things you are doing out there sound really neat. We are all thinking of you, and wish you well


9:49 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Have you seen yet? I used to live in Jarabacoa for a couple years. My bro still works there, his name is Russ. Know him?


7:30 AM  

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